Got stuck with developing the next big Website, Application or Product? Need something highly customized for your business? Perhaps, something that’s so advanced technologically you could only call it the ‘future’?
Exreal’s Development & Custom Build Services can make that happen today; whether it’s customized hardware, an appliance, software or a website, we can build and develop it all. Our development and consulting team has expertise in some of most diverse number of operating systems, programming languages and hardware, to get all that done.
Here are some of the things we can build and develop for you.
Customized Applications & Software
If you need an application to do a specific job, interconnect with another piece of software or want to build it all from scratch, we can do it.
If you don’t how to start, or what ‘language’ to use, we can suggest one too, based on what will work best for you.
Customized Websites
If you have a great idea for a Website, the likes of FaceBook or Google, or when a normal HTML-based Website won’t make the cut, you need our custom website development service.
We can build everything you need to your spec, or you can use our consulting and planning services to actively engage us in the idea stage itself. Choose our WebBuilder service platform to deploy your Website fast, or go stand alone.
All custom built Websites can also be continuously maintained, monitored and supported by our Support Services.
Custom built Appliances
If you are hearing the term for the first time, software driven appliances work just like a hardware device but use a standard PC hardware instead of a customized hardware to work. Once deployed, software appliances will work like any piece of hardware; no monitor, keyboard or mouse is required to operate it. Additionally all the software driven appliances can be shipped with a remote control tool, or a web control panel to make it easier to administer.
We can use the software appliance technology to work for you in building other such custom appliances. We can build Digital Video Recorders (DVR’s), Skyboxes, VOIP PABX, Wireless Hotspots & Gateways, Virus/Spam Gateways, NAS, SAN, VPN/DNS/Mail servers or even convert your existing applications as software appliances.
All software driven appliances shipped and built by us are maintained by Exreal consultants with technology support service, renewable annually and are upgradeable remotely.